Disney princesses have been a huge part of our life for many of us. They kind of shaped our ideas of beauty and grace and what makes you a princess. As kids, a lot of us dreamed of becoming one. And now that we’ve grown up we know that a lot of those standards are unattainable and a lot of them we’ve rejected as the times have changed. But if we’re being honest, we all still have that one Disney Princess that we relate to the most. But what’s nice is that Disney Princesses keep evolving with us, and now we have not only animated versions of them, but real women playing Disney Princesses in films. Let’s take a look at how some of our favorite Disney Princesses changed and transformed from the animated cartoons to movies.
1. Cinderella
We didn’t think it was possible but Cinderella played by Lily James looks even more stunning than the classic animated version. That dress is absolutely glorious and the decorations in the movie are so detailed and beautiful it takes our breath away every time. A fairy-take come to life – that’s what this movie feels like.

2. Aurora
It’s actually kind of brilliant that instead of going to the classic route and making a Sleeping Beauty movie we have Maleficent instead. We get to explore this story from a different perspective and we still get a good look at Aurora in the film. Dare we say she looks even prettier when played by Elle Fanning?

3. Belle
Who else would’ve fit the smart and caring role of Belle from Beauty and the Beast better than Emma Watson? We love that they’ve added a bit of a twist and made her an inventor in this movie. We love that Emma chose not to wear a corset to make it more realistic. We love that we kind of get to have Hermione and Belle all at once.

4. Jasmine
Aladdin is fun but we loved how spunky and daring and adventurous Jasmine was in the Disney original. We also absolutely adore that they chose to make her even more interesting in the Guy Richie live-action remake. And Naomi Scott did such a great job that we honestly can’t imagine anyone else playing Jasmine but her.

5. Mulan
The new Mulan remake, the epic action drama film directed by Niki Caro, is coming out this year and we can hardly wait for it. We’ve all drooled over the released pictures and posters. The trailer looks so good it made some of us weep. It’s hard to imagine anything topping the animated cartoon, but there’s a very high chance this movie will be just as good if not better.

6. Ariel
The Little Mermaid film is still king of shrouded in mystery. We know the actors involved but so far there hasn’t been any official posters of trailers released. Yet we’ve already seen a lot of talk about the choice of the actress who’s going to play Ariel. We think it’s gonna be amazing. But will it be better than the original? Only time will tell.