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8 Most Common Reasons Women are Scared to Be a Mom

Motherhood is one of the most beautiful gifts of life for women. Many women feel a natural desire to be mothers and all of the joys that come with having children. But there are plenty of us who are not as naturally inclined to be moms. There are plenty of ways reasons that motherhood is beautiful but equally terrifying. To really understand what is so daunting about motherhood, check out these most common reasons women are scared to be a mom.

9 Hacks to Stay Warm This Fall

With colder weather right around the corner, it’s about that time to start wearing more layers and turning up the heat. But when the temperature starts to drop below zero, it can be hard to stay warm no matter how many scarves and coats you wear – unless you really crank up the thermostat which can leave you with gargantuan electric bills. So for the best ways to heat things up, and not spend a fortune doing so, check out these 9 hacks to stay warm this fall.