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9 Best Spa Treatments Every Women Should Try

The summer is the perfect time to boost your regular dose of self-care, and the spa is the perfect place to start. From classics like Swedish massages to trends like vampire facials, check out this list of the 9 best spa treatments every woman should try.

7 Nail Polish Hacks You Need To Know

You’re in luck because today is the day we’re going to share some amazing nail polish tips and tricks with you. Hopefully, they’ll be helpful and you’ll find the whole process much easier and much more enjoyable after learning these tricks.

7 Things You Can Do Instead of Counting Calories

It is a common assumption that counting calories is the best way to lose weight. But the reality is, for some people, this can be the farthest thing from the truth. While calories are an important part of shedding weight, focusing solely on this aspect can totally compromise your efforts. There are plenty of ways to more naturally improve your habits, which will result in longer lasting weight loss and overall healthier living.

7 Best Summer Diet Tips (Fruit Soups, Veggie Popsicles, and Detox Drinks)

Summer is the time to go light with your food, drinks, and lifestyle in general. The abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables allows you to shed some unwanted pounds, all the while consuming vitamins, minerals, and fiber that keeps you satiated for a long time. This list is not about your usual smoothies and fruit juices (although I love them dearly and consume on a daily basis), it’s more of a unique summer diet tips collection you’ve never even thought of trying. It’s time to try something different!

7 Beauty Tips From Your Grandma

There are lots of beauty tips out there, especially new ones that rely on modern inventions and new multi-use products, but today we thought we’d tell you as our some beauty tips you might’ve heard from your grandma.

9 Famous Celebs With Their Own YouTube Beauty Channels

Celebrities often branch out to beauty, hair, and a multitude of other industries. But not many are an expert in an entirely other field – they just slap their name on a bottle. Here are our favorite starlets who just happen to also have YouTube channels showing us all how to maintain our makeup.

10 Secrets from Eastern Women to Stay Young Forever

All women have their tried and true methods of looking after themselves and these methods tend to vary from country to country. It’s great to have your own secrets but it’s always a good idea to learn from others and incorporate that knowledge into your life.

6 Effective Tips to Lose Fat in Your Face

A lot of the time the reason your face looks chubby isn’t because of fat, but because of bloating and water retention. And that’s great news because it’s a problem that’s pretty easy to fix. Here are a couple of tips on how to lose weight in the face.

15 Natural Remedies Indian Women Use For Flawless Skin

We all have those acne-ridden days where we’re flipping through magazines, hoping to emulate that gorgeous, barely-there look without feeling insecure. Magazines might use Photoshop, but Indian women have been using natural remedies for years, keeping them looking as youthful as ever.

Building Your Beauty Routine According To Your Zodiac Sign

Taking care of yourself is one of those things we often neglect, finding time for everything and everyone except ourselves. This results in stress, mood swings, and health decline. If you’ve been feeling a bit down lately, most likely you are one of those ladies who need a break and a very specific beauty routine to make yourself feel better. This is where Astrology comes in!