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10 Things You Were Going To Google About Jake Gyllenhaal

You know him from Donnie Darko if you grew up in the 90s, everyone saw his incredible performance in Brokeback Mountain and most recently he played Mysterio in Spiderman: Far From Home. Jake Gyllenhaal has it all. He’s gorgeous, he’s talented, he’s quirky and funny and he’s such a charmer.

7 Facts Every Fan Should Know About Chris Pratt

Our favourite Star-Lord from the Guardians of the Galaxy has come a long way from working as a stripper and a waiter to being one of the most recognized faces in Hollywood. He has a great personality, phenomenal sense of humour, amazing looks, and enough acting chops to land cool roles in movies we enjoy watching so much. But do we really know enough about this guy?

12 Cute Facts About Kit Harington And Emilia Clarke’s Friendship

They’ve been on the same show for a decade, they’re good friends in real life, sometimes lovers on screen. The fans desperately wanted them to be together and in love, but alas that wasn’t in the stars. Yet you’d have to be blind not to see the chemistry between Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke, they do care for each other. So here are 12 cute facts about Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke’s friendship.

The Hottest Nominees for Golden Globes 2020

As the year comes to a finish, it’s official, the Golden Globes nominees are out, and the competition is fiercer than ever. While the lineup still needs to work on representation in some cases, for the most part there are some stellar Golden Globe 2020 nominations. Here are some of our predictions (and who we’re secretly rooting for). Who will take home that coveted award in their category?

8 Facts You Didn’t Know About Emily Ratajkowsky

She has 24 million followers on Instagram and she has acted in quite a few popular movies but you probably didn’t know that because it wasn’t the main role. Well, Ratajkowski is more than just a pretty face, she’s got quite a few tricks up her sleeve and we have prepared some facts about her that we bet you didn’t know.

8 Real-Life Locations Used In Disney Movies

It’s not a secret Disney likes to use real life references when creating characters for its most famous animated movies. But did you ever stop and think that our beloved Disney locations like the amazing city of Agrabah were also inspired by existing places?

10 Actresses with the Most Beautiful Eyes | Her Beauty

10 Actresses with the Most Beautiful Eyes

Many famous women have different physical attributes that make them stand out from the crowd, and have even skyrocketed them to stardom. Take these female celebs with stunning eyes, for instance. Their dreaminess isn’t just because of having breathtaking eyes, but it definitely helps!

10 Celebs Who Looked Flawless While Pregnant | Her Beauty

10 Celebs Who Looked Flawless While Pregnant

Being pregnant is one of the most beautiful things in the world, but let’s admit it, it doesn’t always look polished and stylish. Celebs, being the great trend-setters that they are, always serve as an inspiration for women who look up to them. And oh boy, do pregnant celebrities deliver these days!

14 Facts About Chris Evans That Just Prove His Perfection | Her Beauty

14 Facts About Chris Evans That Just Prove His Perfection

We know Chris Evans as Captain America. Mr. Right, Mr. Perfect, a guy who looks like he could be a Ken doll and whose personality is shockingly perfect just as his face and his physique are. He sometimes seems too perfect to be true. But that’s just who he is. And yet there are way more facts about him to uncover that will frankly make him sound even more surreal and perfect.

15 Unexpected Facts About Robert Pattinson | Her Beauty

15 Unexpected Facts About Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson is known as the vampire heartthrob Edward Cullen from the Twilight saga. You might also remember him as the hottie Hufflepuff Cedric Diggory from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. But he’s so much more than that. Those are just his 2 mainstream roles when really he’s been making much more interesting and creative movies for a while. He’s also completely unlike his most famous characters in real life.

9 Facts You Didn’t Know About Paris Jackson | Her Beauty

9 Facts You Didn’t Know About Paris Jackson

Paris Jackson is Michael Jackson’s only daughter. Few people know much about her since her father was always very protective of his children and guarded their privacy a lot. We’ve compiled some pretty interesting facts about her that you might be interested to find out about.