≡ 》 Her Beauty

What Your Hairline Says About Your Ancestry

It turns out that not only is your hair type determined by your DNA, but your hairline is as well. If your hairline forms a downward v-shape towards the middle of your forehead, it’s commonly known as a widow’s peak hairline.

Post Covid Hair Loss And How To Prevent It

We’ve heard of some pretty crazy long-term side effects happening to people after getting the coronavirus, from loss of taste to psychosis. People who have recovered but are still experiencing lingering effects are called “long-haulers.” A major one of these side effects is post-COVID hair loss. Hair loss is common when you’ve gone through a stressful event, including contracting COVID-19.

8 Life-Changing Uses of Coconut Oil

In the last few years, coconut oil has resurfaced in the mainstream as one of the most essential wellness products. And the hype is all true, as it can easily be one of the most useful things you can keep stocked in your pantry.

Top 10 DIY Scalp Scrubs

Scrubbing your scalp can unclog pores and promote healthy future growth. Keep hair glossy as ever and within budget with our favorite DIY scalp scrubs.

The Best Bangs For Your Face Shape

Bangs are quite a controversial topic. On one hand, when you get them right, they’re cool and quirky, they can completely transform your look and make your haircut more interesting and chic. On the other hand, bangs also have this bad reputation of something you get when you’re going through some stuff or having a crisis.