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12 Bad Habits That Can Ruin Your Life

As human beings, we are prone to give into our vices and bad habits. It’s hard to be virtuous all the time, but there are some serious pitfalls that are worth avoiding. Try to cut at least one of these behaviors from your lifestyle and let yourself flourish. After all, practice makes perfect!

7 Things You Need To Do Before Settling Down

For most young adults, reaching a certain age means you may have found your true love, someone that makes you want to settle down and walk the straight and narrow. But also, for the majority of 20-something-year-olds, you probably didn’t make the best decisions leading up to this moment. So before the minivans, big house and 2.5 kids come along, here are 7 things you should do to be the best person you can be for your mate, before you tie the knot.

12 Tips on How to Teach Your Kid to Be a Good Friend 

As a parent, it’s natural to want your child to surround themselves with positive influences and role models. But are your kids good influences to those around them? Teaching your child the skillsets of what it takes to be a good friend will bring them far in life, not just in social skills.

10 Things Happening To Your Body When You’re Asleep

Once we drift off to sleep, we face 8 hours of dreams and rest, to wake up feeling rejuvenated with little to no memory of the many hours that we lay unconscious. Here’s all the bizarre things our body goes through when we catch some Zzz’s.

6 Tricks to Boost Your Creativity

To keep that creativity muscle flexed and ready to go, sometimes you will have to intentionally force yourself to think outside the box. To get started, here are 6 hacks to boost your creativity.

6 Reasons You Should Smile Everyday

At least once in life, we’ve all heard friends, family, or even strangers, say, “You should smile more.” As annoying as that may feel to hear when you are not be in the brightest of moods, it is scientifically proven that smiling is actually good for us. From mood adjustment to physical changes, intentional smiling can really work wonders.

Top 7 Instagram Trends for 2019

2019’s Instagram is already jumpstarting with some truly innovative changes that will drastically impact social media marketers, influencers, consumers and every-day scrollers in big ways. Here are 7 of the biggest Instagram trends expected to take shape in 2019.

Creative Online Classes That Will Inspire You

Sometimes you find that you creativity is dwindling and needs to be kicked up a notch. To fuel that fire or even just to find a new hobby, embark on an online class. It’s from the comfort of your home and less awkward than attending that local pottery class for seniors. Here are the most innovative classes to boost your imagination and remind us that learning never stops.