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7 Gorgeous Movies That Won an Oscar for Best Costume Design

Movies that win Oscars for costume design usually have a very specific style, and while sometimes Oscars are given for making the most realistic and historically-correct costumes for the time period, other times the costumes have absolutely no base in history and deserve an Oscar based on attention to detail and creativity that went into the costume design as part of world-building of the movie.

14 Chic Ways To Carry Around A Coloured Bag

Your handbag doesn’t have to necessarily match your outfit – if you’re walking around with a colourful handbag, you have endless options when it comes to styling. Here are our favorite suggestions.

The Most Memorable Red Carpet Jewelry

We often talk about the most memorable dresses that actresses wore to a red carpet event, but as awesome as those are, a lot of the time they also wear some pretty impressive jewelry and today is the day we’re going to give it the attention it deserves.

Does Kate Middleton Dress Like Princess Diana?

If you actually pay attention to their outfits you’ll see that both Diana and Kate have worn very similar pieces or a similar style of clothing. It could be down to royal dress-code rules, but some of these looks are just too similar to think it’s a coincidence.

The Best Looks Of Audrey Hepburn

Audrey Hepburn is not only a talented and world-famous actress but also a style icon. This lady can pull off any look, be it a big and glamorous dress, a chic little black dress or a simple top and cigarette trousers. And whatever she wears instantly looks chic. Is it because she’s got impeccable style?

What You Need To Know About Changing Luxury Consumer

Luxury is thriving as much as it ever has, but what’s changed in 2020 is the luxury consumer and the way they think and buy. Especially millennials and Generation Z. For this reason, luxury brands are taking decades-old formulas and putting them to the test with new and disruptive ideas that are sure to take high fashion by storm.

Bohemian Summer: How to Wear the Boho Trend Right

If you like the bohemian esthetic, but aren’t quite sure how to pull it off, and want to look like a chic 2020 boho girl, and not like an 80s hippie – here are a couple of tips on what’s in trend and how to wear it right.