≡ Author: Naima Karp 》 Her Beauty

10 Health Boosting Benefits of Tofu

In a world where eating meat isn’t the healthiest nor the most sustainable option right now, tofu is a nutritious and flavor-packed alternative for meat eaters and vegetarians alike. Produced from the pressed curd of soybeans, it generally starts out as a little white block that resembles cheese.

The Internet Blames Meghan Markle For The Queen’s Death

The internet will really find any reason possible to blame Meghan Markle for whatever drama is going on in the Royal Family. When the Queen of England passed away on September 8, 2022. Although many people grieved this loss in an appropriate way, a couple of people online found a way to bring it all back to poor Meg. While some of the comments clearly have a humorous tone, others are more sinister.

Where is the Cast of “Now and Then” Today

If you grew up in the 1980s or 90s, chances are that you remember the formative coming-of-age flick ‘Now and Then” which was released in 1995. In 2022, let’s take a look back at where they were then, and where they are over two decades later.

Top 10 Most Beauty-Obsessed Countries

Have you ever asked yourself: what’s the vainest country in the world? Well, there are a few. We can thank social media and filters for everyone wanting to become their idealized self, and it’s certainly not limited to a few countries.